Monday, September 12, 2016

September's Stories Day 12 - Bedtime Around Here

I took these photos this evening....I love them. Thomas (11) and Frankie ( nearly 2) just watching a bit of evening TV before bed tonight. Yes I use the TV shamelessly to keep the little people quiet and entertained as I get them ready and put them to bed when Jamie is out. I have tried not to but I would still be doing the bedtime thing at 10pm if I didn't.  Jesse is first, we snuggle and chat in his bed. He has drinks and needs to pee then we snuggle some more. I say I love him and he tells me we are 'best teams'. I love being best teams with him.  Frankie is second...we too have snuggles and kisses in her bed. I sometime sing and she tells me to shhh. I hold her hand and she puts her other hand in my top. She drifts off to sleep like that. The other two girls are next....the usual toilet teeth and bed. Tonight I lay on her bed and read the first two chapter of Esther to them and I always have to ask them questions. Again drinks, cuddles, kisses and prayers.  We aren't really governed by time for our bedtime just a "there abouts" kind of deal.  Again it would be stress city if we did and tried to work to a clock...especially when I am home alone!!

The boys are next at some stage whenever they get themselves organised. We are very loose on the boys bed time although we do keep an eye on Thomas has he gets tired faster than the others and doesn't cope very well with it.   The older boys are able to read, do sudukos or whatever... more or less until they are tired. I LOVE it when they read!

So there you have it...a wee little glimpse into our home and a heartwarming pic of a big brother and litttlest sister!

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