Thursday, September 29, 2016

September's Stories Day 30 - Friday

Getting my think on to come up with a title for October's blog series.....Jamie has come up with a few options. I seriously can't believe it's October tomorrow...that is just nuts. Things start to amp up in November heading into the Christmas season and the summer months. I love summer......everything is better in summer.

What a nice and cruisey day I had today. I had a lovely long coffee date with a gorgeous midwife/birthy friend. It was just so lovely to sit for a time and talk, share experiences and ponder. She was able to shed some light on a few issues I needed clarifying and give me all important insight. She spoke my language. Ahhh bless her. What a beautiful woman she is.

It's so nice hanging out with hubby....we even went for a walk because you know that's what town people do you know. We strolled the streets with three of the kids and nosey-ed into people's yards. There are some beautiful homes around. Which of course got us thinking about where we will be come Thursday.

It was good afternoon and now we are waiting on friends to come round and hang out for a drink or's Friday night and all.

Jamie is preaching on Sunday. I have heard part of it already and it's sounding great.

What are you up to this Saturday. .....doing anything special?

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