Saturday, September 24, 2016

September's Stories Day 24 - On Being Judgemental

There is nothing like getting slapped in the face with the reality of our world to make you reflect on one's own life and where you are at.  Loving Arms has provided me such a rich look into the lives of the very people that we share our community with....and I am pretty sure I have only mere scratched the surface of it.

I have been writing a blog in my head for the past two days as I have been reflecting a lot, thinking a lot about the stories of the women and their families I have met over the past two days. It's a piece of writing that will have to written on a computer not a wee phone screen. It will have to wait. BUT I will share this with you...maybe you can relate. When I think about it now it brings tears to my eyes.

Judgemental. It's something none of want to be but most likely on some level are. The bible tells us not to pass judgment on people yet we are programmed to by our upbringing, media and our peers. None of would want to be told we were or dare to admit we were.  Let me ask are we to love and serve we are quick to judge.

I have the pleasure of working with a mum and her sweet baby. I visited her yesterday to drop off a meal. A group of young guys were hanging out in the driveway working on a car. They were a little rough looking, baggy jeans around their legs, smoking and heavy rap music blasting from the car. As I walked up the driveway I felt a little intimidated (by what  I don't know) and said a little prayer " oh Lord please protect me"......what the hang?!    I felt a short sharp "excuse me!" in my spirit.

Where did that come from?  Why did I just set eyes upon a group of people and automatically think I wasn't coming out alive. A little dramatic don't you think?I hadn't even met them or spoken to them. How unfair and so wrong of me.  Its it amazing to think of all the outside influences that cause us to pass judgement without them even uttering a word. I was/am so embarrassed. But thankful that the Lord showed that to me. He calls us to love, to see people how he sees them and love them fully. And you can't do that when you are passing judgement just by looking at them.

There is so much more to that story and I will share it with you when I can get back to being in the 21st century. Please don't think I am saying to go around and not use your God given wisdom but its something to certainly have a think about.

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