Friday, December 9, 2016

Documenting December Day 10 - Concerned

Today was the Christmas Parade here in town. We were able to walk there for the first time ever because it was literally the block over from us.....we are that close to town. If I had a pull-along cart I could walk to do my grocery shopping. The kids loved it of course but every year I come away thinking they could do better in the whole Santa department. Let's just say he is never very jolly.

More unpacking today....I think I have finally finished my kitchen boxes....I had so many!  On to various other boxes and bags.....I did discover something particularly concerning though. I unpacked a couple of bags and found that we have 17 toothbrushes in the bathroom draw. There is only 9 of us. Why so many I ask. AND I discovered that there are at least three green toothbrushes. My toothbrush is green. I use a green toothbrush.....does someone else use a green toothbrush too???? Which green one is mine? Ewww I am actually too scared to ask in fear of what I might find out.

Tomorrow everyone is getting new toothbrushes. Full stop!

I also met the elderly lady from next door. She came and introduced herself and blessed us all with a huge batch of biscuits. I guess she has seen all the kids. I feel she will be totally ok to live next to....she herself had 11 children has 27 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. She will get us.

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