Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Documenting December Day 14 - A Wonderful Feeling

Wow ...what a fantastic three nights it has been. I am certainly feeling Christmasized now. How could I not after spending the past few days literally surrounded by Christmas Trees, twinkling lights and Christmas music.  I am feeling tired, oh so tired but so warm and happy inside.  It has been a wonderful opportunity to host, bless and interact with those in our community....and even more being able to serve alongside some very selfless people.

A couple of the things I loved the most was watching the kids hang their handmade crosses on the community tree, watching the rest-home minibuses drive into the car-park and its residents pile out to enjoy a festive night out, meeting one particular Dad of four bring his kids back for a second night because they had such a good time, watching people take voting for their favourite tree SOOOO seriously, sharing some of the stories about the trees with people that visited and listening to the kiddies tell me which one was their favourite.

I marveled at how many people were surprised that the refreshments were complimentary, and how many people lingered for a long while just enjoying the atmosphere.

This was Loving Arms tree this year......I thought that I would go with something different this year seeing as I went with pretty pastel colours last year. I thought the bright colours on white look great. All these toys are part of our Loving Arms stock...and we give out two or three in each of our bundles to our new mums for their new babies.

Looking forward to next years one!!

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