Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Documenting December Day 15 - A Normal Kind of Day

I thought that I would share this pic with you today. For two reasons  1. Because isn't this the weirdest place for a cat to sleep (he has been sleeping inside the chimney)  and 2. because it was the only picture I took today....which is a good thing. Good because that means we had a normal family day...normal being with nothing extra Christmas Tree forest. No meetings, No nothing. Its just been us for the entire day.....whoa....its been a long time coming but oh so good. OH yeah I need to mention I had some beautiful people come and clean my house for me too......that is worth a mention too don't you think.  And they did do a great job too!!!  Thank know who you are!

Our family time consisted of trying to get our house in some kind of working order for this coming Saturday which is Jamie's side of family Christmas Day. It goes for the entire day and is FULL ON ALL DAY with good food and good (albeit crazy company).  Its always a good day.

I have a busy day tomorrow not only do we have shopping for all the food for Saturday but I am in and out all day with other bits and pieces and a huge chuck of my afternoon is filled with a meeting in Hamilton...which I may add I am seriously looking forward to.  I love getting together with other people that are all focused on the same thing...improving Maternity Care and making sure that the women that are being care for are getting the very best of care available.   I think you could tell by now that this is something that I am super super passionate about.

Its been a good day.

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