Monday, December 5, 2016

Documenting December Day 6 - Two more sleeps

There is only two more sleeps, two more and we will be in our new home. I am both excited and exhausted.  Its almost like that final few pushes when you are in labour and your baby is about to be born into the world. They are the hardest because you are the tired-est. (Is that even a word?) You can't wait to hold your precious babe in your arms yet it seems like an eternity until it can happen.

Meanwhile the kids are in waiting. I can entertain myself as there is plenty to do. Loving Arms is busy, I have Christmas stuff to do and there is always housework to get done.  One of the things the kids have been entertaining themselves with is chalk drawings on concrete. They are on to there second bucket of chalk.

I made fashionable the game of four square even though I had to google the rules of the game. Yes google has rules for four square! When I play this I may or may not get a little loud and little on the competitive side...especially when I am playing against my husband seeing as he ALWAYS wins every game I play against him.

Summer has finallly come and its been so beautiful here over the last few days.....I am hoping at the very least the rain will stay away while we move on Thursday. Its a very busy season for us over the next couple of weeks....I am trying really hard to work out when we will squeeze in picking up our Christmas tree.

Have you got yours up?  Do you get competitive and loud during games?

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