Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Documenting December Day 20 - A Christmas Pantomime

We could of quite easily stayed home tonight but we didn't. I certainly didn't want to miss being a part of something fun and having the opportunity to serve our community once more plus another dose of Christmas fun is always good.  

So after a challenging day I took the older five kids out to a Christmas Pantomime at church.....where I got my fill of meeting and greeting people.  It was a REALLY good evening and the play was fantastic which was excellent at getting the kids (and adults) interacting with them.  The best part though was seeing my girls totally starstruck...its like they were actual famous people.  They got to meet them, have their photos taken with them and EVEN go backstage. They were so cute!

They are already planning next years event in their heads.  It was so worth the effort just to see them so animated. As everyone left, I noticed everyone was smiling and laughing in their family groups. That made me heart happy as so many people when I see them in town...look stressed and sad. Christmas is for happy, laughter, family, friends and fun. And that was what tonight was for so many.

So blessed!!

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