Thursday, April 14, 2016

All About April Day 14 - Change

This was view this morning as I drank my morning coffee and tended to my baby girl as she was the first one awake. I am not a morning person at all so it takes me a while to get with it and function fully. I am inspired by views like this though....aren't you? Inspired to get up, get out, live life well and change the world. Just the frame of mind one needs to be in when you have a five hour meeting in front of you on just that thing. 

I came across a great thought-provoking quote the other day..."Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity." Doesn't it ring true? If you know anything of the history of the suffragettes, Joan of Arc, La Leche League and other pioneering women of late you will know it does. I want to be one of those....not for people to think I am insane of course (maybe some do already) but to fight fiercely for something, to believe in it and to make change. 

I have things that I am passionate about, truly crazy passionate. I know how God has wired me and where he is leading me.....and sometimes I do feel a little bit of a pioneer. Old Joan of Arc would probably laugh in my face though...but seeking change and seeking better than the status quo is lonely, it is not for the faint- hearted and it's hard work. 

At times I have to admit I would love to be "normal", to not be so "weird" and more mainstream. But I am not....I am me and I will continue to do what is before me, doing what God has called me to whether it be as a mother, as a homeschooling mum, in ministry or in the maternity system. I will be me....passionate me. Now go on....go be you!

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