Saturday, April 16, 2016

All About April Day 16 - What's on Your Bookshelf?

Yesterday I spoke on things that, like sprinkles make you happy. One of the things that makes me happy is books. I love everything about them. I love to read them, to smell them and to flick the pages through my fingers. 

Books have so much depth to them, so much more than reading from a kindle. Come on you can't smell a kindle. I reckon you can tell many a thing about a person just by what's on their bookshelf. 

If you take a look at my bookshelf you would probably come to the conclusion that I am a closet hippy, a wanna-be expert gardener and crafty person. I have an interest in herbs and other natural medicine and those books sit alongside books about pioneering days. If you didn't know already you would find out that I am a birth-nerd with a special interest in home birth. I have enough alternative parenting books, books on homeschooling/unschooling, and books on amazing people overcoming amazing hurdles. I have leadership books, bibles and other ministry or church interest books. 

My section of novels is not nearly big enough but if I have the chance to get lost in a book it would about pioneering days, wagon trains out west or Alaska. 

Basically most of the bookshelf is mine with the exception of a few books scattered throughout but down the bottom is my husbands giant collection of hunting magazines. ...Can you guess what he is into? 

I am generally a nosey person when it comes to books shelves. I will always check yours out if I come to visit. I not only might find something exciting to read but it will tell me what you are all about. 

So whats in your bookshelf?

1 comment:

I love reading about the lives and loves of other people share, it inspires me! Please feel free to leave a comment or share your thoughts because it gives me warm fuzzies and I just love to make new friends! Much love Xx