Wednesday, April 27, 2016

All About April Day 27 - Gaming

Sometimes the best thing to do is gaming.......but not what the type of gaming you are thinking about. 

What I am talking about is actual person....face to face with cards and people. 

After a whirlwind kind of day and the little kiddies were in bed and a glass of wine or two.....all to do was have a game or half of dozen I spoons with my boys. Spoons where you pass cards to your left, the first to four cards of the same suit grabs a spoon, then everyone else grabs a spoon and the last person who misses out loses. It's a loud game, can get a little heated and perhaps a little violent. Don't blame me's my boys. They hate to lose but love to win. I need not say anymore. 

So tonight that's me folks...just playing Spoons with my boys. 

What did you do this evening?

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