Thursday, April 7, 2016

All About April Day 7 - Balance

Really todays blog has got nothing to do with the photo I have used. I just love taking pics of my kids being kids and enjoying themselves. Don't you? This guy has spent hours playing in the leaves with his diggers and trucks. Sadly today all the leaves had to get mown up. Oh well on to the next thing. 

Balance....something we all need to strive for and do better at. I don't know anyone who has this perfected. If it's you pleeeeease let me know!!! 

These are just some of the things I am struggling find a happy balance with....God time, husband time, children one on one time, me time, friend time, my mum time, sister time, homeschooling time, church time, house work time, I need to bake more, cook from scratch more, exercise more, eat better, take better care of your skin, Loving Arms (ministry) time, DHB time, do more, give more.....etc etc. 

I think I could add many more to that list but doesnt it sound impossible! I am pretty sure your list would be just as long. All those things pulling at you is enough to drive anyone Cray Cray. 

Perhaps then you will understand why from time to time we drop the ball or balls if your list is anything like mine. Lets give ourselves and each other a break. I know we are all doing our very best with what's in front of us. 

You are great. You are good enough. You are Loved. Right now just as you are. You are just right. You are enough.

 "You are loved forever. " Romans 8:38-39 

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