Friday, April 1, 2016

All About April Day 1 - Autumn Days

Welcome to All About April

We woke up to this this morning....a carpet of leaves that had fallen over night. Isn't it beautiful? I had to quickly get this photo in before my husband whipped out his leaf blower and blew them all away. The little kiddies had a ball running paths through the leaves and throwing them up in the air to rain down on them. But in actual fact they didn't need to do that, every time the wind blew a little harder than normal 1457 leaves would fall. 

Today was one of those grey kind of days again that lends itself to slowing day and just being. I actually cleaned out my wardrobe today. Yes I did. 

For those who know me and maybe have seen inside my wardrobe you will know what a mammoth thing that was for me. The pile at the bottom of it was feet deep. And I am not kidding either. For months I have been pestering Jamie to help me but he won't. Today he told me that I needed to put my big girl pants on and sort myself out. Nicely of course. 

So I did exactly that. Two rubbish bags full for the op shop and one actual rubbish bah later I was done. As traumatic as that was for me I basically completed the task all be myself. You might be asking why cleaning out ones wardrobe was so traumatic.....well I just never ever know if I should be throwing out, passing on or keeping things. And that giant bag of Size 00 baby girls clothes.....well don't get started on that. But I am super duper proud of myself and now I can see the floor. 

My shoes are all lined up, my pile of jeans has decreased, and well I can see the floor....miracle in itself. There are two maybe three areas of the house that needs sorting at some stage in the near future.....girls room, boys room and two or three kitchen drawers. Drawers that become the home for things that don't have a home or contains things that are important but I don't know where to put them. 

Watch this space...I am pretty sure I won't find the drawers traumatic, it's just paper, drawing pins, paint sachets and pens. Here is hoping anyway. 

Happy Friday everyone! What did you get up to?

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