Tuesday, April 12, 2016

All About April Day 12 - First World Problems

This is my bench at 1705hrs this evening. Lunch dishes. Ugh. At present we are doing dishes for our family of nine at least two times a day mostly three though. No one and I mean no one likes to dry so they sit here until they have air dried and then they get put away. This means most of the time my bench looks something like this but with dishes on either side of the bench. 

First world problem...having to dishes by hand. We also sadly said farewell to our toaster, which I have to say wasn't even that old, but perhaps we overused it because it just stopped toasting. Just like that. Just stopped. So we have been using the grill for morning toast, just like the old days. The kitchen whizz is missing a part. Who knows how that happened all I know is that I went to whizz cabbage for coleslaw and I had to jam in a knife to press a lever done to get it to work. The electric beater blew up and the cord of the vacuum is mysteriously getting shorter. 

I don't know what is wrong with appliances these days or if it's us....do we over whizz, toast, beat or vacuum perhaps? Jamie and I always joke and talk about what it would be like to live in the Alaskan wilderness, if feels like we are getting much needed practice with living without conveniences of kitchen luxuries. I mean fancy having to slice your own cabbage or beat the cake batter by hand let alone do the dishes by hand. Now that's just crazy! 

One day soon will see us replace these items. But right now I console myself by saying that I am teaching the kids what it was like to live in the olden days, you know when everything was black and white. Or so they think. 

But really we have everything we need and more because it's really a matter of perception. We have power, water on tap, food, shelter, health, entertainment and even more still possibly the best family around! Awesome!

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