Friday, April 8, 2016

All About April Day 8 - Funny Story

You know what I actually have nothing to talk about tonight.....*gasp.....I know right. I could rave on about all sorts of things but nothing is doing it for me tonight. So I thought I would share something funny that happened last Saturday you know the day men folk went bush. 

All was a little too quiet outside last Saturday morning. Everyone was accounted for apart from the two little ones. Off I went in search of them. I found them both playing in a friends car he had left here while he went away. I promptly removed Jesse from the back seat took the keys that he had in his hand off him, locked the door and shut it....thinking I had the car keys in my hand. I didn't. 

I soon found that I had locked my baby in the car with no way I getting her out. Mad phone call later to friends wife who said she would come right away but still half an hour away. All I could do was watch her through the window. A pen in her hand even. Fortunately it wasn't clicked down. She was happy. 

I even tried coaching her to open the door but hey she is only 17 mths. A while later she decided to poo and then for the first time ever remove her nappy and biffed it on the floor. Then she sat down on the passenger seat with her dirty bottom and wee'ed! All I could do was watch and be on standby with hot soapy water for clean up duty. 

Fortunately my friend is the sort to think it absolutely hilarious. What the hang!? All this has to happen when I have to adult all by myself. But all is well that ends well ah. 

What's a little poo and wee between friends?

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