Monday, June 6, 2016

June's Jottings Day 6 - Blank Canvas Day

*cue contented sigh. Bliss. 

A blank canvas day, a day where I had nothing planned, didn't need to go anywhere or had no one coming over. Don't get me wrong I LOVE to hang out with people but days like today are really few and far between. There is always something that is needing to be done. While I do have some Loving Arms work to do I could choose to do it at my leisure. I had a long leisurely chat on the phone with my bestie....I didn't have to worry about kids having to be anywhere at a particular time. I did however have to lie in bed snuggly soft dressing gown on and snuggle my three and one year old. Sounds awful ah? 

What my favourite thing ever about blank canvas days is that there isn't any pressure on my kids and they aren't being hurried off anyway or dragged away from whatever they are doing. Most of the day I hardly saw them to be honest. Most of them spent the entire day in the next door paddock playing in the long grass. I don't know what they were doing but whatever it was they were having fun. 

This made me smile because I imagine me saying to them...."go play in the grass next door with nothing but each other" they would of probably kicked up a stink and moaned about how boring that was and how mean I was. But because they came up with it themselves it was a huge day of fun. They didn't fight they just played. Granted they came in freezing, with grass stained clothes and muddy feet but to me that is the mark of a very very good day. 

I tried to snap a photo but couldn't get one of them close by. Can you see those specks of colour off to left of the centre? That's them. Really isn't that what we all want in a childhood? Space and freedom just to be. My empty and quiet house made it so I could sneak in a bit of extra reading, a workout without being climbed over and I even cleaned two drawers and a cupboard. Wahoo go me! Oh and a very slow-drink-while-sitting-down cup of coffee. A very rare occurrence around here. I didn't even need to reheat it once! Pleased to have my husband home though. 

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