Monday, June 20, 2016

June's Jottings Day 21 - Somewhere

These are not my keys but somewhere in my house or my backyard is a set of keys ......hiding. Seemingly small items can cause disastrous consequences.

They are my keys and I cannot find them. I had an appointment today and a job to do for Loving Arms and I had to postpone because after I had loaded the kids up into the car along with everything I needed for the afternoon. I went to grab my keys only to discover that they weren't to be found. Not happy. 

If there is one thing that totally drives me nuts it would be losing stuff! I actually feel like a crazy woman. I think I probably act like a crazy woman too. My poor kids were turning the entire house upside trying to find them for me as I ranted on and on about how ridiculous this was and why does this stuff have to happen and blah blah blah. On and on I went like a lunatic. See crazy woman! 

Once I had calmed down, talked to who I needed to talk to about postponing my appointment and task I was able to calmly carry on looking for them. I looked everywhere including random places like the deep freezer, behind the piano and in the bottom of the Lego bin. Still no keys. I looked outside in the garden, in the recycling bin and under the trampoline. EVERYWHERE. The only place I haven't looked is at the bottom of the pool. And if they are there ....well they can stay there I will not be getting them. We will wait to summer to see. I am thinking that a little person has taken them somewhere and put them in something as little people like to do. So I am trying to think like a little person...You would think that wouldn't be too hard but it is. 

So for now they are MIA. Gone. Lost. Vanished. Plus I showed those keys I am not to mess with and went on to do an angry mama workout.....oh boy did I show them. Fortunately now, for everyone living with me I am no longer a raving lunatic but my normal self but resigned to the fact that I'll possibly be getting new keys cut in the very near future. What a big fat pain!

Do you go crazy over lost things? How do you cope? 

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