Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June's Jottings Day 14 - Winter Beauty

 I took this cool pic of mushrooms/toadstools that are currently growing in our front garden. I find mushrooms incredibly fascinating and beautiful. Is that weird? It sounds weird when I say it. It's kind of a strange thing to love. 

These wee guys look so cute with their hats on or they also look like a wee village that you would find in the Amazon, Mongolia or somewhere traditional like that. I could almost see little Amazon people living amongst these things. 

Winter is well underway in these parts and in true wintry fashion it's bare and barren outside. The colours are grey and brown with dull green making the occasional appearance. As dreary as it is, it has its own unique and special kind of beauty. You just have to look at it differently or you have to look harder to see it. Winter beauty is more delicate and more subtle unlike summer where colour is exploding all in your face. 

We all know that the season of winter is a metaphor of the dry, barren and often difficult times in people's lives. We can see that. So perhaps God has hidden small glimpses of his subtle beauty in those hard bits of our lives. We just need to be looking closely and watching out for them. Making more of a conscious effort to seek out the beauty that is God. A kind word spoken at the right time, an extra stunning view, the expression on your loved ones face when they see you, the look of wonder in a child as they discover something neat, a phone call from a friend, a perfectly timed blessing, a song that speaks to your heart or a small act of service done solely to bless you. Beauty can be in anything and everything. Just sometimes you have to look harder for it but it's just as wondrous! 

"The earth declares the beauty of the Lord." Ps 24:1

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