Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June's Jottings Day 7 - Sowing and Harvesting

I am quite fond of this photo of some of this years pumpkins. Not totally sure why.....it's like they represent a rustic, simpler life that part of me longs to live. The self- sufficient or subsistence kind of lifestyle. But the way we are heading and they way God is leading us I don't think it's to be....for now anyway. We won't be moving to Alaska any time soon. (A dream realistic or not that Jamie and I talk of). 

All these pumpkins came off one plant therefore out of one seed and get this a seed we didn't intentionally plant. For these are compost pumpkins! Pumpkins that were indirectly sown and have been germinated, nurtured and nourished in our compost heap. A seed just thrown out with the food scraps! Now that ladies and gentlemen is free food! Awesome! 

Not only are they free food but a very real illustration of the concept of sowing and reaping. Something we can do both intentionally and unintentionally. Just one little seed can reaped an abundance of harvest. One little tiny seed. Intentional or not. So are we intentional about the seeds we go around sowing? Because if we aren't it's a very real possibility that they will be unintentional ones. The harsh word, the lack of patience, the look....a seed will be sown. But on the other hand....the smile, the kind word, the forgiveness, the generosity, the help, the Good news. 

Everything will sow a seed of some description. And either way the harvest will be great. Scary or encouraging. What do you think? Definitely makes me more aware of my actions and words! 

"So let us not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. Therefore, whenever we have opportunity, we should do good to everyone - especially to those in the family of faith." - Galatians 6: 9-10

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