Thursday, June 2, 2016

June's Jottings Day 3 - Preacher Man

I know I have used this photo before but I love it so much plus the photo I thought I took this afternoon isn't there. Apparently I didn't take it according to my phone. I need a new phone! 

I snapped off a shot of my hot hubby at his laptop,  bible open, studying, muttering away and preparing for his message that he is sharing this coming Sunday. I can not wait!  Its so good. I guess its the perks of being a preacher mans wife that I get a sneaky preview of the message!  Yes I can testify its a goodie!!  I am so proud of my husband...can you tell?

Jamie and I have entered into a new phase in our journey together. God is doing amazing things and we can testify to his goodness. Although I don't think perhaps you can tell just by looking at us because its an internalthing. God has been reveling himself to us in HUGE ways, with new thinking, new revelation, new Word, new knowledge and new wisdom, We see the world differently now. 

I'll admit up until recently I guess we have just been merely surviving. Keeping our heads above the water. Just doing our thing. Our journey as you know has not been a smooth one nor easy but we have come out the other side totally better for it. We could of easily chosen at any point in the past four years, to walk away or throw in the towel or declared its not worth it. BUT please let me tell you IT SO IS WORTH IT!  

So my dear friend...I feel I can call you that now..... keep your eyes on the prize, keep steady and run your race well.  We are stronger, better and more convinced of Gods greatness and goodness than ever before.  Your journey will not be for nothing, it will be for everything.

"I called on your name Lord, from the depths of the pit. You heard my plea: "Do not close your ears to my plea for relief." You came near when I called you, and you said, "Do not fear". You, Lord, took up my case; you redeemed my life." - Lamentations 3:55-58

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