Saturday, February 13, 2016

Follow February Day 13 - Making Life Happen

Ok I'll tell you the truth this photo happened two days ago. I was intending on taking a photo of tonight's impromptu dinner with friends but I always forget to snap a pic when we are in the middle of something. I suppose that isn't a bad thing you know living life and everything. 

You know sometimes it would be far easier to live each day in a routine, it would safe, predictable and comfy. At times this sounds appealing but most of the time it would be boring. I would go CRAZY! Even more crazier than I am now. So we try and be flexible and spontaneous, it's more fun this way. 

Thursday evening our eldest plays touch rugby so that particular evening we packed up the kids and even though I already had dinner planned we decided to grab some hot chips and eat in the park while watching him play. It was so lovely, the kids ran around and climb trees and we met up with friends and cheered from the sideline. A far better evening for all of us than if we stayed at home. 

I encourage anyone who is used to being in a routine so much so that you are bored. Make living something different! 

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