Monday, February 8, 2016

Follow February Day 8 - An End and a Beginning

As we tidied up the last of the wedding stuff and walked the estate picking bits and pieces we spent some time reflecting over the past few weeks and months. 

This time of wedding prep has been a journey and the big day was the mark of the end of that time but the beginning of a whole new one for Lindsey and Linda. One of great joy and life. I am excited for them.

For us I feel like our year can start now....we can get back to our kind of normal whatever that looks like. I mean it's not our normal to be hosting wedding for 80 people in our backyard. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the process, enjoyed the landscaping and gardening and enjoyed putting it altogether to look how it did. 

But it's over now and we can press start to 2016. You can do that in February right? It's going to be a busy year and I am expecting God to do amazing things, he always does, maybe not how or what we expect but he always does amazing. 

On your marks, get set, GO! 

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