Sunday, February 14, 2016

Follow February Day 15 - Time Out

It just dawned on me when as I was posting this photo......that maybe just like this pic of a seemingly tidy, clean and calm space that directly behind and surrounding said shot is utter chaos and mayhem. Think three ring circus and you are on the right track. Perhaps all the other photos we scroll through are exactly like this one? Whatcha reckon? 

These flowers are the last of my summer flowers from down the front of my yard. They have just about finished so does that mean summer has nearly finished too? I also set out to cut these for my kitchen as a way of putting myself in time out. Ok so I had two helpy helpers with me but I was in much need of some outside a way from the chaos that was my house.

Sometimes homeschooling is hard, really hard. Today was hard. Seven different people all needing different things from me. Housework still needs to be done, washing needs to be done, baking to be baked, emails need to be emailed and dinner needs to be sorted. Can you see why I needed to be in time out?? Today I was over the dishwasher not working, the squillion and fifty five flies and the pantry not producing anything exciting. 

So armed with scissors ( gee that doesn't sound particularly good does it) I set off into the garden away from the chaos and into some calm. 

As mothers, as women even as Christians we aren't immune from bad days, tired days, grumpy days and fed up days. Its normal to have them. Its what we do with those feelings while we are in that space that makes the difference. It's about recognising where you are and how you are feeling and doing something about it. Something positive. 

So I ferreted and cut, silently talked to God and then listened and chatted with my hubby. I feel much better now thanks......but I still wouldn't cross me too much! 😉

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