Saturday, February 27, 2016

Follow February Day 28 - The Unexpected

I saw this beauty this morning for the first time as we drove out the driveway on our way to church. She is standing to her sister who is only half her height. I was very surprised to see her standing there in full bloom in all her glory. 

You see I had forgotten that we had planted them a while back. Ever since we held the wedding here and the end of summer is near, we have been quite busy the garden is looking a little neglected and sad. I feel sorry for it. So you can imagine why seeing this beautiful lady put a smile on my face. 

Our last few weeks have been busy and difficult, we have been struggling to keep our heads above the water and to not let our struggles steal our joy and make us grumpy. When you have battles going on its easy to become focused on your troubles and not on the good in your life, your blessings and our Saviour. 

But I implore to keep watch for the unexpected blessings that will and do come your way. Like the bulbs that you forgot that you planted that bless you by unexpectedly to is the blessing, the kindness, the love or support you once planted in someone elses life it will unexpectedly and at just the perfect time, bloom and bless you in your life when and how you need it most. 

So dear friends.....wait and watch, continue to draw strength from Him and your blessing could be right around the corner.

 "But those who hope in the Lord shall renew their strength; they will fly up on wings like eagles; they will run and not be tired; they will walk and not be weary"
- Is 40:31 

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