Sunday, August 14, 2016

August's Anecdotes Day 14 - In Limbo

This photo pretty much sums up our life at the moment. These boxes are in residence in the hallway but most of them are in the boys bedroom packed up against one wall but are slowly spilling out and taking over the rest of their bedroom.

We are in limbo. Neither here nor there and let me tell you its not a fun place to be. There is not a lot left we can pack because everything that is still out we pretty much use on a daily basis.  So here we are waiting. Waiting on God to move for us as there is nothing else that we can humanly do to find us a home to move into.

So my friends keep watching this space as I am positive that one day soon I'll have some very exciting news to share with you. For God has got this! He totally has!

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