Wednesday, August 31, 2016

September's Stories Day 1 - A Fruitful Kind of Day

Sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do. And I just had to eat this along with an extra coffee this afternoon. Its my afternoon team/dinner.  Not ticking all the food groups but I won't tell if you don't. Do you need me to tell you how yummy this was?

A fruitful day today. I spent sometime out of the house doing some Loving Arms work. I manage to wade through an enormous amount of sorting and putting away today. I definitely made a dent in my huge pile. I was definitely thanking God for the shelves too. Oh boy the amount of time I rolled buns in and out to put things away.

I met an amazing mama to be while dropping some newborn essentials to her.  We have helped nearly 100 mums and she is only the second mum that hasn't known what sex her baby was. Isn't that amazing?

I am having a rare night out tonight. Whats even more rare is that I am going to the movies. I just don't go to the movies. I am being blessed with the company of three fabulous women and we are off to a fundraiser. Its got to be good ah?

Thank you all to those who commented or sent me messages about yesterdays blog! Its very encouraging and I feel very blessed. Virtual hugs to you. xxx

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