Friday, August 5, 2016

August's Anecdote Day 5 - Friday and Friends

Did you know that running in hail is not really that much fun? And did you also know that you feel like twerp when cars drive past you while you are running in the hail because you know that they are probably thinking and even saying out loud to themselves "what an idiot!" I know this because I have said the same thing to myself when I have driven past people doing the same thing. Really it is pretty idiotic to tell the truth. Hail hurts. Hail is cold. Its really dumb. But to all those who drove past me this afternoon know this....It was not hailing when I left nor in fact was it raining. It was actually sunny believe it or not. So I am not really that much of an idiot as you think.

Today is Friday. I had been hanging out for today because I knew I was getting together with good friends for a casual dinner, a few drinks and a whole barrel of laughs. And tonight did not disappoint me either. True therapy after a week of wet weather, kids with cabin fever and the pressure of packing and cleaning always in the back of your mind. Thank you God no one is sick at present.

Everyone leads busy lives and we all have our own pressures, struggles and commitments so we need to be purposeful in booking nights like tonight in and making sure nothing stands in the way of getting together. Like I said its therapy. As long as the kids are fed, watered, happy and safe...then we to are happy and are free to enjoy the evening. So its well past nine thirty as we are putting out little people to bed. They will go sleep eventually and possibly be grumpy tomorrow but for now who cares. I, for one am thankful and content with sore abs from laughing so much.

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