Monday, August 8, 2016

August's Anecdotes Day 8 - The Woes of Weaning

My baby (21mth) is a snot factory. Yep just when I are no longer feeding her throughout the night she gets a really heavy cold. So whereas before she would sleep on and off all not, snuffling away I could comfort her and nourish her poor sick body with myself and she would get all that goodness and all those great antibodies to help her heal. But now, now I can't and I am sad.  I think what is worse is that she doesn't even ask for it at night anymore. She is quite content to just put her hand into my top have cuddle and kisses. Oh I wanted this don't get me wrong, it was definitely time but with it being relatively easy and her getting sick I am pining for when I could snuggle her with ease and she would feel better in an instant. I guess I will just have to get used to just having her arm around my neck and her tiny wee body molded into mine. I am still for now feeding her once during the day before her daytime sleep and just before bedtime.

Along with her being down with a seriously heavy cold, I have two others with one too. Not so much fun and something I really didn't need to be dealing with. Oh winter be gone! I am really praying that no one else will get it!

The other thing I certainly didn't need to happen is my oven decided it didn't want to be an oven anymore and not heat up. It did this completely randomly. I baked cinnamon pinwheels and the girls made brownie together fun. I put a chook onto roast and what do you heat. Which not only meant no roast chicken, no roast veges and no fresh buns. I admit I even called the dumb oven a few bad names. I am not impressed. Just what you don't want when you are about to move out! Whats worse, is that our landlord replaced the last oven about three/four years ago for doing the exact same thing!

Nothing else is allowed to happen. Nope, not now. Enough is enough.

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