Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Moments in March Day 29 - Food

I don't normally write about food purely because I am no domestic goddess. I wish I was but no. In fact I usually have what I call "performance anxiety" when it comes to making food specifically for other people. Quite often what I am making for someone flops....no matter if I have made it a thousand times before, I'll do something weird to it and it doesn't turn out. Either that I'll do crazy things like roast a corned beef! 

I do enjoy baking and cooking if I want to do it and then that's usually fueled by the fact that I FEEL like eating something so I'll make it. Much like the pic here. It's goes something like this....

I read about chocolate cinnamon rolls, I think about chocolate cinnamon rolls, I crave chocolate cinnamon rolls, I can taste chocolate cinnamon rolls and I crave chocolate cinnamon rolls.....therefore now I have to make chocolate cinnamon rolls! 

Thank goodness I had the ingredients to do so! It isn't pretty when my mind and tastebuds have gone all crazy and the ingredients aren't in the cupboard. Not pretty at all! I will admit I love food probably a bit too much. I love eating and drinking which is why it is a very very good idea I exercise. Especially if I am making things like chocolate cinnamon rolls! Oooooo .....say it again! 

I found a simply gorgeous looking and sounding recipe by@the.avocado.mum for Chickpea Curry. I am soooo trying that next date night! Yummo! 

Is it naughty that I hid these at the back of the cupboard underneath all the other biscuit tins and have been rationing it out to my children when I am feeling particularly nice. Its a big ask you know. I also know if I brought it out to the open it will be gone in 60 secs.....ha see what I did there!? 

What's your favorite recipe? What are you hanging out to make? Care to share?? 

PS Have you noticed an added hashtag? I am aiming to blog once a day for a whole year. Crazy or cool I am not sure. You could join me if you like. 😘

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