Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Moments in March Day 3 - Opportunity

This morning was the start of a new opportunity for me, a new journey, a chance to gain some new skills but more importantly make more of a difference in our Maternity System and for Womens Health. Sounds all very grand doesn't it. Well it is. 

I am very excited and very blessed to have been given this opportunity. I spent the day meeting and working with some lovely people all with a passion and drive to see change happen, people who all have multiple lengthy titles and roles and years of experience and then there is me.....a mum of seven. I will admit I did feel somewhat overwhelmed and shy.....yes I can be shy. I bet none of them run out of toilet paper and use the bottom inside edge of a little persons t-shirt to wipe said little persons snotty nose. Shhhh again I know I am not alone in doing that.

 Anyway today is the start and it will get easier....everything I have ever done has pointed and led me to here. It just fits....perfectly. So as I add another string to my bow I know that God's got this even though I feel out of my depth....He will use me. I am excited about that. 

I was out for most of the day today and my sweet little girl hasn't left my side or my arms since I got home. She is not used to me not being there, not giving her mama snuggles to sleep and not being able to climb into my arms whenever she wants. She missed me today. When I drove up the driveway everyone was outside to welcome me home, it was like I had come home from war or something! It so awesome being a superstar in your own family. I will enjoy being home tomorrow. 

Thankfully these roles I can do while still being an at home mum....I don't think I would like being a working outside the home mum. I would miss them far too much!

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