Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Moments in March Day 9 - New Chapter

Inspite of it being Miss Kaitlyns 9th birthday tomorrow I thought I wouldn't bombard you with birthday prep talk, I'll do that tomorrow.

I thought now is a good time to share some exciting news with you all. Jamie and I and the kids are about to start a chapter in our lives. Yep we are about to turn the page....it's very exciting. 4 years and 4 months after suddenly losing his job my husband is in paid employment! 

As of 4th April he will be working for the church as Ministry Leader. I am so proud if him, so very very proud. We responded to what God was leading us to...we said Yes to Him. We have been on such a crazy journey, a tough and at times dark valley journey. We have felt like we have had to claw our way through mud to get here. 

It's been the most difficult period of our entire lives, times where we thought we wouldn't make it, times of having no food in the cupboards and times the bills have piled up and the only thing we could do was pray and go to bed. There has been times we have come up against intense opposition and doubt from people and ourselves. But during this time by the grace of God, it has been the time where we felt the closest to God, seen the biggest miracles and seen Him provide in perfect timing over and over again. 

It's been the time of the most growth as a couple, as a family and in God. I have witnessed my husband at his lowest point in life and to come back again with a passion and a fire for God, His Word and the people. I have seen him study for hours and give of himself in incredibly tough circumstances. 

I now listen to him preach and am just in awe of the transformation in my husband, MY husband! How blessed am I? Are we? 

We are ever thankful to our family and friends for walking this journey with us. Most of all eternally thankful to God for calling us and sustaining us during this time, as He will forever more! No one can tell us there is no God, ever. We are a living testimony to His power and His love!

1 comment:

I love reading about the lives and loves of other people share, it inspires me! Please feel free to leave a comment or share your thoughts because it gives me warm fuzzies and I just love to make new friends! Much love Xx