Saturday, March 5, 2016

Moments in March Day 6 Sunday

Can anyone guess what I did this afternoon? If you guessed bottled tomatoes, tomatoes and more tomatoes then you guessed right! You know autumn is on its way when you have more tomatoes on your vines than you can possibly eat! They were just hanging there like giant red baubles. So I really did need to do something with them. 

I had my super mum cape on today as I also made jars of passionfruit syrup, and baked a couple of batches of baking to hopefully last until at least tomorrow afternoon! 

Yesterday's outing to the back and beyond left me all inspired and energized to at least pretend I was living self - sufficient and off the land. We all have our dreams don't we...dreams of how, in an ideal world we would live. Ours would be a lot more rustic, slow and wholesome than we currently do. Life seems more relaxed being able to live like that. Actually it's probably far less relaxed than we imagine but you get my drift don't you. 

I just love being around inspiring people living and leading inspiring lives, people with stories to tell or doing extraordinary things in ordinary circumstances. I feel so blessed to be in their company because they leave me energized and maybe wanting to try something new, do better, think better, think a different way, know something I didn't do before, or give me a burst to carry on doing what I am doing but with extra bouncyness. 

We are all so different so the lesson is in not comparing but catching something from them and their passion and zeal to do what you need to or called to do, so that you too can flourish and in turn inspire someone else. 

Do not be jealous of someone elses life, instead pour energy into living your own, making your own story, your own amazing happen! What are you going to do?

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