Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Musings of May Day 11 - Love Hurts

Today has been one of those mornings...you know the ones where you might like to crawl back into bed and pull the blankets over your head and hide from the world....oh and chocolate would make it better too! Maybe. We had a series of unfortunate events this morning and all before morning coffee too.

After what seem to be issue after issue I thought we might be ok to start the morning routine only to have the kids come screaming into the house to tell me that two of the kittens were dead. We had five kittens born to Thomas's cat "Fruity" about four weeks ago. So two kittens dead "with blood and everything" (Sophies words) and three missing. Sadly after a bit of a hunt around we found all five kittens had been attacked by something and all had died. Man that sucked!  Poor Thomas - animal lover was/is devastated. He cried and I cried and on top of that I had to be the adult and pick them up and put them in a box. I don't think there is too much worse than having your kids hurting and heart-broken.

He chose to take them down to the farm dump himself but after watching him from the house, sitting on the edge of the dump with the box beside him for what seemed to be eternity, I couldn't cope any longer and went down to be with him.  I didn't think I should be throwing the box into the dump in front of him so I had to climb into the hold, dodge the smoking embers and put the box respectfully in there. So heartbreaking! My poor boy!

Thomas understandably hasn't been himself today and been hugging his cat all day.  Love truly does hurt. They say that when you have children that your heart is walking around outside you body and boy it certainly does feel like that today! I am hoping tomorrow is a better day for everyone!

Mama cat is getting extra cuddles today!

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