Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Musings of May Day 31 - This.

I love this plaque. I love what it says. I love the person who gave it to me. I love that it reminds me of the time in my life when things were, in my view were falling to pieces but really through God's eyes they were only just beginning to fall into place. I love that I can read this every time I am standing at the stove cooking and it speaks to me in some way about something. 

I love that it can be applied to almost every circumstance all of the time. A verse that's usually reserved for weddings readings but really it should be everyone's motto. I love that it reminds me that my God loves me infinitely and unconditionally even when I don't love me or am being unlovable. I love that it reminds to extend the same love and grace to those around me and beyond even when I might not think they deserve it. I love that this time honored verse still stands strong and rings true even in today's crazy world and will continue to do so forever. I love that LOVE conquers all things.

One of my favourite verses of all times. 


What's one of yours? Care to share? 

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