Saturday, May 14, 2016

Musings of May Day 14 - How to Make Friends

Frankie made a wee friend today at her sisters soccer game. I spent some time watching them from a short distance away. They were so cute. But serious lessons in how humanity should be through these two. 

They have never seen each other before and it started with them staring at each other from a distance. Then they got closer, then they peered at each other around the lamppost. They smiled at each other and smiled some more. No sounds no words. The little girl had some books and toys with her and she offered a few to Frankie which she accepted. They played side by side for a time. No words no sounds. They swapped toys and played some more. Swapped again and again. Just peaceful and innocent and pure. They weren't coached by anyone on how to play or instructed to say hi and to share or to give the other a turn. It just happened. It was magical. It was how it's meant to be. 

I actually felt quite blessed to have witnessed it to be honest. I think sometimes we as parents miss these moments or don't give moments like these a chance to happen because we are too much involved, we like to control, we want to make sure every moment is teaching moment. I think we forget that our kids already have it in them, they just need a moment and a chance to find it for themselves. 

I love that no words needed to be spoken for a wee friendship to have blossomed. Love it!

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I love reading about the lives and loves of other people share, it inspires me! Please feel free to leave a comment or share your thoughts because it gives me warm fuzzies and I just love to make new friends! Much love Xx