Sunday, May 8, 2016

Musings of May Day 8 - Mothers Day

As many of you may know today here in New Zealand is Mothers Day. A day specifically put aside to honor our mothers. Some may say its just a hype or about consumerism but I disagree. Sure the junk mail goes mental telling us all the our mums need flowers, chocolate, wine, toasters, hairdryers. new phones, slippers or spa baths. 

But forget all that..all though truthfully I wouldn't be complaining too much if the delivery truck dropped off a spa. But seriously forget all that....I think what all mums really really want is to be recognized, honored and thanked for what we do. All the other stuff is just stuff....we really just want to be thanked and maybe some time just to be celebrated.  Whether its a card, a facebook shout out, a sleep in, a cup of tea or an extra squeeze and someone to do dinner its cool, its doesn't have to cost. 

Us mums do a lot, we at times are stretched to capacity, over and beyond anything we could imagine. We sacrifice, we give, we feed, we clothe, we cry, we laugh, we clean, we wash, we cook, we work, we tidy, we buy, we love, we cuddle, we kiss and we cry some more. No matter how you choose to parent I truly believe we make the decision because we believe that is best for our kids...otherwise we wouldn't choose them would we. And then there is the guilt...the motherhood guilt...that we aren't enough or we aren't doing enough.  I truly believe for the most part, most of us are doing the best we can.

Let me tell you dear are enough, you do enough and you are good enough in fact you are the best designed mama for your children. YOU ARE GOOD! 

So here is me...driving my kids home from church this morning trying really hard not to be worrying about what I look like as my daughter is snapping photos of me.  I am feeling loved, feeling blessed and feeling thankful. Thankful for my kids and thankful for my own mother. Being a mother is no easy feat but we are ROCKING at it!

Happy Mothers Day beautiful mamas xxx

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