Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Musings of May Day 24 - Walking Towards Vision

I don't have a pic for you today. In all honesty it's been rainy and grey and the house has been a total mess for most of the day and I am pretty sure you don't want to see a photo of our dinner tonight. American Hotdogs ....need I say more. 

This week so far has been bitsy really. A mix of schooling, preparing for a meeting tomorrow, starting to draft out new infrastructure for Loving Arms and preparing for our big shift (loving arms) to our new storage facility. It's a big job but once it's done it will be great.

It still leaves me breathless when I think of how far we have come. What started off something small is developing into something grand. It still scares me and what's to come scares the pants of me. At times now I feel I am at capacity. But over the past few weeks God has been showing me a little more of where we are going, of where he is taking me and also leading us as a family. 

But speaking about me personally I can't even tell you what that vision looks like....I just know what it feels like (as strange as that may sounds). Two words that's all I know but they keep coming up time and time again and are constantly popping into my head. I hope I sound like I am talking some sense. 

I am both excited and overwhelmed at the same time but knowing my God and that with him all things are possible. I'll keep walking forward and stepping out in faith towards what He has for me, us and for Loving Arms.


Hold the vision, Trust the process.

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