Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Musings of May Day 26 - Hope

I am loving this photo I snapped this afternoon as I was sitting snuggled up on my bed feeding Frankie. I just love the way the sun is filtering through the dark grey clouds and through the trees and coming to rest on the bed. Apart from showing up the extremely dirty windows, its warm, friendly and comforting and whispers "it's ok....this weather won't last forever. I am still here. See?" (that is of course if the sunbeams could talk. ) Sunbeams would definitely whisper don't you think? 

At the risk of sounding cheesy sometimes God whispers through the storm clouds and we get a glimpse of Him and calmer times. Just like the sun does. Whether or not your stormy dark times is a day, a week, a month or even a year....every now and then we see Him, we feel Him and we can almost touch His promises. But in every single moment He is with us. For he will never leave us or forsake us....he said so right? And He is a God that keeps His Promises. Its just sometimes in those dark stormy times we just need to trust and perhaps look a little harder for glimpses of Him than normal. And be rest assured that breakthrough, like the sunnier, calmer weather is just around the corner. It is coming! Our God is an awesome God. 

My house doesn't usually allow me to capture anything but craziness and kids. But today I feel quite blessed that I saw this....even though to some it maybe just sun shining on bed through dirty windows! 

" strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

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