Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Joys of July Day 13 - My Sophie

My joy today is a big one! My Sophie (7) spent the day at a friends house today. It was a momentous occasion as she has always been too shy to go anywhere by herself and would only stay places if her big sister was there too. She didn't last long at kindy for that reason. 

She has always been a shy wee mouse drawing confidence and strength from her siblings and from us, her mum and dad. But slowly yet surely over the years she has grown more and more confident and is getting more and more brave and today she spent the day with her friend all by herself and wasn't even shy or worried when I left. I am so proud of her and I got such joy out of her achieving this milestone that has been a biggy for her. 

It also is such a joy that as her parents and family that we have been able to give her the length of time and space that she has needed to develop and grow in this area. No need for us to force her or bribe her to be any different than she is. She could just be herself and know that it was ok that she is who she is. We trusted her to develop and grow when she was ready. I realise this is a luxury these days for some and I am forever thankful for that. 

I have just picked her up and she had a great time playing all day with her favourite friend.
I know today's joy probably isn't that big in some people's eyes but for me I am on cloud nine! Thank you God!

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