Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Joys of July Day 27 - Wednesday

There was nothing remarkable about today. Today is Wednesday. Hump day if you please.  On 
the days following hump day you will find yourself on the home stretch to the weekend! It was so like that today. Bring on the weekend. I am looking forward to Sunday because if everything goes to plan and no one develops a random tummy bug I will get to see and hang out with my bestie! NO ONE GET SICK you hear!

Todays joys are a mixed bag seeing today was one of those days. Where things feel chaotic but you appear to accomplish no much. I did pack two boxes though. Yay me!

An AMAZING SUNRISE with amazing lighting. I need not say anymore

A KIWI FAVOURITE for lunch. The thing with having kids home all day is that if they feel like eating something for lunch they will more than likely want to cook it. Kaitlyn made us pikelets today...complete with jam and cream. Although some of the other weird ones ate them with peanut butter and cream. Now that is weird.

MY FRONT DOOR. It opens to this! Doesn't it make you happy. Every season it takes on a different look. I will miss it but today it made me smile

I have been thinking a lot about my writing. Shall I do more? Can I do more? It seems as though everyone is writing I have anything different to say? I love to write even though my grammer is terrible. I write what is in my head and how I would say it, like a conversation. I want people to feel as though I am talking to them. Downside is that it often doesn't read like I would say it and people get confused.  I'll keep thinking I think! :)

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