Monday, July 4, 2016

Joys of July Day 5 - Tractor, Memories and a Son

Praise God! I am feeling mostly better today.  Certainly an improvement on yesterday so my frame of mind was a lot better. Thank you God. I think my children appreciated that. We are winding down to the school holidays which start this weekend. Even though we are homeschooling family...yes we do observe the school holidays.  That is a question I get asked all the time, whether or not I school in the holidays. I think this is a little my children would let me get away at doing school when everyone else is on holiday.  Holidays of course means no 'formal' learning but we as a family know that 'learning' takes places everywhere and anywhere and at anytime. We are all constantly learning whether we know it or not.

Today's 'Joys' are a bit random probably because I had one of those days, a bitsy kind of day. So here they are....

A BIG BLUE TRACTOR - OK so this isn't directly MY joy but Jesse (3) who is tractor mad.  So his joy was my joy when one drove up our driveway and parked and proceeded to split firewood out of a fallen oak tree log. Oh the joy on his face to see one at his house and up close too! His joy was my joy.

MY SON JAYDEN - This guy never ceases to amaze me. He worked non-stop today for about 5 hours, detail cleaning his bedroom that he shares with his two brothers. He even sorted all the board games out and the Lego box. Pull all the beds and drawers and the bookcase out and vacuum underneath and behind. What a guy! I no...I did not ask him.

JEWELRY - Feeling energized by Jayden fervent cleaning I sorted out some of my stuff too, namely my make up case and jewelry box. I don't have a lot of jewelry but I got rid of odd earrings, bits of broken necklaces and old brooches that I had acquired somehow. My joy....all the pieces that I do have remind me of someone or mark an occasion. They all have a story. The $2 shop ring that Jamie proposed with, My favourite earrings from my bestie, two necklace pendants that hold so much meaning given to me by a precious friend, The necklace I wore on my wedding day. You know pieces like that, that remind me of the people and the times that are most precious. Such Joy!

What are your favorite pieces of jewelry? Do they have stories to tell?

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