Monday, July 4, 2016

Joys of July Day 4 - A Book and Gorgeous Blue

I haven't been well today. Not sick but not well either. All my kids have been complaining of a sore throat and not feeling great off and on for a week and it probably only seems fair that I get my turn.  I can't feel sorry for myself like the kids do and they are as forth coming with sympathy like I am.  Sad face.  Like all mums we have to and do soldier on.  When I feel like I did today everything seems tens times harder and ten times bigger than it actually is. I couldn't even manage a workout either which of course compounds everything. I felt like I was failing this mum thing as I can never seem to get on top of all the washing, the baking, the dinners and how the hang do people manage to get away with vacuuming once a week. MY vacuum cleaner almost lives permanently in the lounge. We vacuum that often.  Anyway tomorrows another day....its bound to be better. Here are two of my joys......

A NEW BOOK - Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE books. I smell them. I open them up and sniff deeply as if all the contents is being inhaled. I am a little weird I know.  I am so looking forward to reading this book as I have heard fabulous things about it.  A precious friend and encourager gave me this as a gift last night.....I am blessed and full of warm fuzzies. I'll let you know how it goes.

GORGEOUS BLUE SKY - After a super super frosty night we were gifted this BEAUTIFUL day. The colour of the sky is so inspiring and stunning. Its so crisp and clean. Don't you think it just oozes newness and opportunity.  If I was feeling 100% I might of been led to go for an extra long run or take the kids for a walk around the local lake. Jamie and the kids managed to get some all important weeding of the veg gardens in though.

Yes only two today......I was in a funk, a sore throat, feeling-only-75% kind of one.  What color was the sky where you are today?  What are you reading? Tell me....

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