Sunday, July 17, 2016

Joys of July Day 18 - From my Front Porch

I know you are probably sick of me waaaaing on about being sick, I don't blame you I am sick of me being sick too. Tomorrow better be a flippin better day because this mama bear isn't happy. Not at all what I had thought the school break would look like. Not at all.

In the midst of feeling sorry for myself and still caring halfway decently for my kiddies I have tried to be purposeful in looking out for some things that bring me joy (although eating and feeling good would be so joyful around about now). So my joy for today....

A NAP - In a moment of exhaustion my hubby came home for few hours and I was able to sneak of for a nap. Oh the joy of being able to do that in the middle of the day....unheard of!

MY PORCH - I took a moment to sit on the front porch just as the sun was setting behind the neighbours tree. Even though it was quite chilly I stayed there and watch the light change all around me and steam come from my breath and listen to the birds start to bed down for the night and calves calling for their mamas.  Simple JOY!

What was the sunset like where you are? Or sunrise?

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