Friday, July 8, 2016

Joys of July Day 8 - Quality time and a Recipe

Wow its so windy outside!  I have to use my muscles just to open the back door. Whenever its windy out here it mostly always comes driving in the backdoor. Which makes for putting anything in the laundry a hazard seeing our laundry is in an outside room.  Today has been a great day. I am really excited to be able to host/facilitate a friends "Mother Blessing" tomorrow night so I have been preparing for that. I am such a last minute kind of person...then go hard out to get it finished. I often wondered what would happen if I started weeks out.  Its just not me...the more I ponder that. Did you have a good day? Last day of the term here, which means HOLIDAYS and also means no in and out and in and out into town again.  Yeah baby!

So todays joys are....

MY HUSBAND - Some fun quality time with my hubby.  Our weekends usually consist of Friday and Saturday seeing our Sundays are pretty busy. We had a day in town with most of the kids today, doing odd jobs and spending the kids birthday money. Plus we had a lunch treat at McDs to celebrate the end of the term. Today was a joy!

A TRADITIONAL RECIPE - I am so excited about tomorrow night! I am making this delicious looking treat for tomorrows night Mother Blessing. I love recipes that are traditions and have stories to tell and a whole heap of deep history behind it.  Usually those recipes are terribly laden with fat and sugar and yumminess but who really cares when it comes to celebrations. I am sharing this recipe tomorrow night because of it depth and history. Its called orange chocolate braided bread with Jewish and Eastern Europe origins.
I hope to share some more on the Mother Blessing in the days to come because it truly is a very special event somewhat new to our western ways but still very special.  PS this photo is not my bread but the recipe illustration....lest you think I am some kind of kitchen diva! Food is a joy!

What is your go to or favourite recipe? A recipe that has a bit of soul or history to it? I would love to know!!!

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