Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Our October Day 13 - Last Day of Holiday

The sun was out in all its glory just for us....for our last day of holiday. We spent some more time down at the beach and the kids of course went swimming. I honestly think they are mad because it was COLD but even Frankie went in for a swim. The heat is different down here than it is at intense dry heat whereas at home its more of a humid heat. The sea breeze always help to cool us down but will disguise the fact that you maybe getting a little too much sun.

So we are off home tomorrow...leaving here mid morning we will slowly make our way home to Jamie and Casey. I have missed them.  Casey has been doing odd jobs, helping Jamie and learning the ropes for an afternoon job.  I have come to the realisation that this is kind of the first step towards him growing up, finding his feet, spreading his wings and becoming a man. I am proud of him but I also miss him. I imagine that will never change too.  I am looking forward to seeing my husband too...he is pretty hot and super cool

I don't enjoy my family being separated like this for too doesn't feel right. Again I suppose I have to get used to is.  We have enjoy connecting with my family, hanging out and not having to be anywhere at a certain time. We have been very much on beach time.  Its a nice time to be on.  The kids have thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with their cousins, riding bikes, trying to catch birds and building bird sanctuaries.

We have been very blessed with the weather, it certainly given me a taste for the coming summer. So home we go.....back to our time in limbo but back to my family and back to my friends. Bring on summer!

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