Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Our October Day 11 - Summer Days in Spring

So you all know I am on holiday at the moment and we have been gifted the most brilliant weather while we are here. My kids are thinking its like summer and I think I see a tinge of pink on some of their cheeks tonight.  You all know what happens in summer don't you.....you need to go swimming don't you? And that is exactly what my six kids did! Even though the locals were looking at us sideways and even commenting on our how 'brave' they were...I think that is local code for nuts perhaps. So we walk back kiddies drench to the bone, sandy and shivering but happy, very happy.

I went for three walks to the beach today. Lucky its only just down the road.  I think we also brought back three plastic bags of 'treasures' which includes shells, sea sponges, heart shape rocks and pieces of glasses smoothed by the rhythm of the sea.

The kids entertained themselves at the beach as they do....I spent my time watching them and reflecting on the past few months and the months to come. I got word yesterday that I was successful in a role that I had been coveting and nervously applied for. Yay me!  Its quite a big deal as this allows me to continue to be the voice for the women and continue in my quest to make the maternity care in our region, in our country even better than it already is.  I am excited and very blessed.

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