Saturday, October 22, 2016

Our October Day 22 - No Normal

I realised the other day that we actually have no normal anymore. Our entire lives have been stripped back and turned upside down that all sense of normal no longer exists. Think about that for a normal. The things you normally do, your routines, the way you do life are no longer. It truly is very strange. If I wasn't flexible enough I jolly well am now. I think my understanding of what it truly means to align myself, trust and rely on God for just my everyday. That can only be a good thing....right?
I have often talked about my kids and how for the most part I am blown away at how they have handled this crazy life we are living at the moment. They trust us.....they truly have their lives in our hands and they trust us. They are not worried about anything. Sure they must think.....well this is a little odd but they trust us. A childlike's the example that we have been given to arrive for in our own relationship with God. This is how we are to trust Him.

Yes we are all handling this time in limbo very well but sometimes it does all get a bit much and tears come and tantrums are thrown (by the kids! ) Frankie the other was not having a good day at all and was very sad all day. This is where I found her after she got upset at me......yes lying in the empty bath with the cat who I might add is so not affection but she is determine to change that in him. She loves him and will often feed him whether he wants it or not and will sit on the floor next to him while he eats. So cute! 

Happy Saturday night people xx

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