Friday, October 7, 2016

Our October Day 7 - Operation Recovery Day

Everybody is exhausted around here.....Frankie and I woke late, way after everyone else..obviously I needed some sleep.  We have had a pretty cruisey and relaxed day today. Which you can imagine was very much needed.  Jamie had some last jobs to do like clear some rubbish and read the power metre.  He and the older two boys went off to a conference in Auckland this the rest of us are hanging out in our 'holiday' home with our 'family'.

Did you know what I did today?...For the first time in a very long time I read a book, yes an entire one afternoon. Granted it was a 'Young Adult Novel' but it was really good and I couldn't put it down. So in between entertaining children and watching over very wary cats as they got used to their surroundings and made friend with the two resident felines, I read the whole thing.  A great New Zealand story it was, called Whale Pot Bay by Des Hunt

So apart from relaxing around the house and catching up on some Loving Arms emails and messaging I accomplished not a lot really.  The kids also didn't do an awful lot too as the weather is this hideous on and off again downpour.  Will we ever have sunny days again??

This evening the two little ones fell asleep in front of a movie...which I know isn't the best parenting practice but seeing as Jamie is away and we are on a 'holiday' for a can't hurt.  Plus its always nice to pick up sleepy kiddies and carry them off to bed...I am sure they are extra cuddly when you do that. Don't you reckon?

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