Monday, October 31, 2016

Our October Day 31 - One For the Kids

Is anyone else like freaking over the fact that it is November tomorrow? Seriously this year has gone to fast, far to fast. We are heading into another one of our birthday seasons with Frankie's birthday this coming Saturday. Again I can not believe she is going to be two! Waaaaah she is growing too fast!!! So amongst other things we are getting ready to celebrate her birthday. That will be fun. I think most of all she is looking forward to cake with candles.

Tonight we went to the community's annual Light Party that is put on by the all the churches in town. Free food, free drinks, free rides and games with prizes, free entertainment and free face painting. Our kids love it and look forward to every single year.  This year over 5000 sausages were cooked and eaten within one hour and a half. That is a lot of sausages but then again over 5000 people attended.  I love the vibe and I love that the kids just get to go and have fun. My five older kids just go with each other and make the rounds of all the games trying to win lollies and soft toys. I don't see them for nearly the entire time. I didn't get to see and do most things as my two little ones wanted turn after turn on the merry-go-round....four goes actually which of course four goes at waiting in the really long line. Try explaining to a near two year old why she can't just go and walk to the front of the line and jump in the first pink fairy car she sees.

You meet such interesting people while waiting in the line and it also makes a good spot for 'people watching'. Now I know that I am not the only one that does that!

So thats done and dusted for another year.....tomorrow is November. Wow just wow!! xx

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