Thursday, October 20, 2016

Our October Day 20 - My Book of the Moment

This is a place of sanctuary at the moment. Its especially lovely when the house is quiet...which you can imagine is not very often when there is 10 kids in the house. Doesn't this look comfy? I tell you it is.....we are living with someone who seems to collect cushions and I am definitely not complaining.

The book that I am reading when I get half a chance at the moment is seriously so good and so challenging. I am really loving it.  A cool story behind this book. I took the kids to the skate park on Sunday afternoon and came back with this book.  I saw a someone that I knew sitting in the car watching his kids and he gave me the book to read after I commented on it sitting on the passenger seat.

Seeing we are in the midst of a huge growth in faith I am finding this really uplifting and encouraging and even a little challenging. Phil Pringle is an excellent writer and speaker and I always get something good at of whatever I read of his or hear him speak. So far I highly recommend it!

I am not feeling the best at the moment so I think it might be a 'bed early' kind of night.   Here is to tomorrow!

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